How Can Shipping Container Homes Be Eco-Friendly?

Shipping containers that the container suppliers hire out or sell (sometimes known as ‘cargotecture’) is well recognised as a sustainable building technology at present. But why is that? There are a few major reasons shipping container homes can help the environment. Let us discuss them on this page. 

You can use an existing steel container

The containers require a significant amount of energy to be constructed. However, this energy does not have to be used again in the construction of a shipping container home. It is estimated that converting a 12 metre container into a dwelling saves around 8 megawatt-hours of energy that would otherwise be required to melt it down and make it into a car or other commercial use. Because of its endurance, you can effectively store energy and not utilise it again, saving the environment from more damage caused by shredding and melting it down.So the bottom line is that you can convert an existing container into a living room with some modifications. 

Shipping Containers for Sale Melbourne

It needs much less carbon emission than brinks 

Cement produces one tonne of carbon emissions for every tonne produced. It’s disastrous for the climate! These shipping containers for sale in Melbourne for the purpose of home building, will emit, on the other hand, significantly less CO2 per square metre of home than its traditional counterparts. That’s because it uses recycled materials instead of bricks and cement.

It has lighter foundations 

A brick or timber-framed home will require concrete foundations upon which to build from the ground up. Concrete equals cement. In many circumstances, you may build a shipping container home on as little as 4-6 small concrete piers. Four would support the container’s structural corners, with two sitting in the centre to prevent hogging. 

In instance, a brick or timber-framed house would rest on a slab with concrete piers beneath, requiring significantly more time (and hence carbon) to construct, as well as the use of cement to bind everything together.

Hire Shipping Container Melbourne

Container Homes need lesser energy to be built 

These container homes can be built with very little effort and energy. In principle, it is possible to have a two-story shipping home in place within a day. A brick and mortar home on the other hand takes a few weeks to be built at best!  The brick-built home requires a lot more energy, cubic metre for cubic metre, to get the structure up. Certainly, this is not the case for these container homes. 

When you hire shipping container in Melbourne for home it requires significantly less energy to construct than brick or wooden dwellings, and they are far more environmentally friendly than if the containers were melted down.

So if you are looking forward to having a container home built, you can get in touch with Budget Shipping Containers. We are one of the best to turn to for hiring and buying shipping containers for home building. Call us at 1300 639 282 to book the container of your choice.